Aplikasi Customer Care dan Rewarding Bagi Penumpang PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Daop 4 Semarang Berbasis Android

TitleAplikasi Customer Care dan Rewarding Bagi Penumpang PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Daop 4 Semarang Berbasis Android
AuthorEdwin Kurnia Rahman

PT. Kereta Api Indonesia is always doing the development to improve the comfort of the passengers. However, although PT.KAI has improved the service there are still train passengers who provide complaints about his dissatisfaction by writing a message into the suggestion box provided at the station or providing complaints to station personnel or customer service. Therefore the author makes an android-based application with the purpose that a complaint message can be directly sent and directly followed up. In addition, by giving rewards from the total points of collection boarding pass will make a new breakthrough that the boarding pass after use will still have a value. This app is named "4Care". The 4Care application is built using Android Studio, using MYSQL for database and system development method using Waterfall model with system design tools using UML (Unified Modeling Language).
Keywords4Care, PT.Kereta Api Indonesia, MySQL, Waterfall, UML.
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Created At3 Agu 2021 23.17.47