Aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Jawa Berbasis Android

TitleAplikasi Kamus Bahasa Jawa Berbasis Android
AuthorDwiyan Christanugraha

Java language is one of the richness of regional languages in Indonesia. But literature sources on Java language are getting scarce. One of the Java Language libraries is the Java Language Dictionary which is a collection of saris or contents of the Java language. Learning Javanese at various levels of education, must know the basic sari-juice. However, the existence of this literary source in the form of books is less attractive to the readers. During this time, people in general only use dictionaries in the form of books for instructional media, so the search for words that will require a very long time. Therefore, the authors take advantage of the sophistication of communication technology on Android based mobile devices to more effectively and efficiently in search words needed by the community. Android Dictionary Java language application that will be built using Android Studio software and SQLite database with Waterfall model system development method and use UML (Unified Modeling Language) in designing and analyzing the system. This Android app will generate an application Java Language Dictionary that can simplify and motivate someone to learn the science of Java language. Science that was seen hard to learn will feel easier and fun to learn through this Android-based smartphone.
KeywordsDictionary, Java Language, Waterfall, Android Studio, SQLite, UML.
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Created At3 Agu 2021 23.12.44