Aplikasi Pemetaan Lokasi Tempat Pemakaman Umum Di Kota Semarang Berbasis Android

TitleAplikasi Pemetaan Lokasi Tempat Pemakaman Umum Di Kota Semarang Berbasis Android
AuthorZuhud Mutaqin

Research method in making this application using data technique consist of observation and literature review, While for data collection using two types of data, namely primary and secondary, While the development of the system used using the waterfall model. This app is created using eclipse with eclipse java programming language that has been bundled with android development tool, Google Maps, And is designed to run only on android-based oprasi systems. Public Cemetery (TPU) is a land area provided for the burial of corpses for everyone without distinction between religion and class, whose management is carried out by the Local Government of Residence II or the Village Government. As a funeral need not be separated from the problems associated with the development of spatial areas that are not prikemanusaiaan, especially with the number of housing developers are negligent, causing urban spatial planning becomes not well planned, because the development is only diperioritaskan on provision of homes with business orientation, but not offset by other supporting factors such as the availability of saraa in the form of burial grounds. The result of this thesis is an application program location of public graveyard (TPU) in Semarang City using android smartphone is expected to help make finding and navigating the user to know the layout of the location of public graveyard (TPU).
KeywordsGeographic Information System, public cemetery, Android, GPS.
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Created At4 Agu 2021 09.58.24