Aplikasi Pengenalan Hewan Herbivora Berbasis Augmented Reality Android

TitleAplikasi Pengenalan Hewan Herbivora Berbasis Augmented Reality Android
AuthorAditya Aldi Prasetya

Augmented Reality (AR) is a new information media that is being developed. AR is a technology that combines 2D or 3D virtual objects in a real environment around us. AR can be used as animal learning media that can attract children attention. AR can bring interactive learning efficient. Because children not only learn in theory only, but children are also available to see animal objects in 3D. Animal learning application will be made in thie thesis.This application is created using Vuforia library and Unity Engine, using the programming language C #. Application can display animals 3D objects and display information. Animals in this application are animals herbivores. This application is expected can facilitate in terms of learning media, in order to attract children to understand, and learn the herbivore animals.
KeywordsAugmented Reality, Unity, Vuforia, herbivore animal
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Created At4 Agu 2021 09.46.32