Aplikasi Pengenalan Tempat-Tempat Bersejarah Pada Pulau Jawa Berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) Android

TitleAplikasi Pengenalan Tempat-Tempat Bersejarah Pada Pulau Jawa Berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) Android
AuthorAref Romadhon

Android applications so far have made much progress. The use of true applications is used to make it easier for children to know the historic places, the introduction of historical places so far only through pictures, or come directly to the historic place. Media is needed to introduce historic sites to children and communities. Augmented Reality (AR) is an environment that enters 3-dimensional virtual objects into the real world in a real and original way. In the development of this application, the authors use data collection methods consisting of interview methods, observation methods and library methods. As for the method of system development using prototype method that has several stages of viewing the user information needs, build or repair the mock-up, and the user see or test the mock-up. To implement this application the author uses C# programming language and Java programming language. The research produces applications that can facilitate in terms of learning media, in order to attract children and the community so that later they will know, protect and preserve historical places.
KeywordsApplication, Augmented Reality, Historic Site.
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Created At4 Agu 2021 10.32.30