Implementasi Augmented Reality Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (Studi Kasus Pengenalan Wali Songo)

TitleImplementasi Augmented Reality Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (Studi Kasus Pengenalan Wali Songo)
AuthorAnwarus Sholih

Wali Songo was the first Islamic propagator in Java. They live in three important areas of the northern coast of Java Island, namely Surabaya-Gresik-Lamongan-Tuban in East Java, Demak-Kudus-Muria in Central Java, and Cirebon in West Java. Wali Songo is really the beloved of Allah SWT who is the darling of nine people, this is in accordance with the gait of Wali Songo who is close to Allah SWT in spreading Islam religion in Java land. With the development of technology in today's many children who do not know about the history of Wali Songo, because the present era of children prefer to play games on the gadget, so that their lack of insight on history such as Wali Songo. In modern times, AR technology (Augmented Reality) has emerged, an environment that incorporates 3-dimensional objects into real or real environments. Augmented Reality is already widely used for media in learning. Therefore the author wants to implement the technology Augmented Reality with the history of Wali Songo as learning media of Islamic Education based on android smartphone.
The research method used in this data collection by direct interview with the existing problems. As well as literature studies or literature from various sources by looking for data to add insight in the development of applications made. This application is expected to make children start from elementary school class V to know about the history of the spreader of Islam is Wali Songo with modern technology so that children prefer to learn the history in Indonesia without reducing the value of play.
KeywordsWali Songo, Augmented Reality
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Created At4 Agu 2021 10.31.21