Implementasi Metode Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) untuk Menentukan Bidang MINAT KARYA TULIS MAHASISWA DI AKFAR 17 AGUSTUS 1945

TitleImplementasi Metode Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) untuk Menentukan Bidang MINAT KARYA TULIS MAHASISWA DI AKFAR 17 AGUSTUS 1945
AbstractIn the rapid development of technology, information becomes very important for a human being in exchanging
information including for various daily routines. With the information it becomes easier to get a valid output in
the information itself. Likewise, in a field, the selection of students who will get interest in writing must be in
accordance with information from their competence. Agencies at the Academy of Pharmacy (AKFAR) on August
17, 1945 themselves still use manual methods which are considered ineffective, making it easier for students to
choose writing works which are still based on unilateral selection by the student without any competency values
from the students themselves. So that in this case it becomes the author's reference to analyze the decision by
analyzing the results of the criteria data that have been interviewed. The data obtained for the results of the
analysis based on the competence of students to take a paper itself are Drug Analysis, Food & Beverage Analysis,
Cosmetics & Medical Device Analysis, Microbiology if students get an assessment of the competency results then
the output is feasible or not getting one of the results. the field of interest of the paper, therefore a decision support
system with a website-based SMART method is needed.
KeywordsSistem Pendukung Keputusan, Implementasi, Web Application, Simple smart.
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Created At10 Des 2022 21.24.02