Media Pembelajaran Dan Pengenalan Hewan Purba Melalui Tour Kebun Binatang Purba Berbasis Virtual Reality Cardboard Android

TitleMedia Pembelajaran Dan Pengenalan Hewan Purba Melalui Tour Kebun Binatang Purba Berbasis Virtual Reality Cardboard Android
AuthorIqbal Rofindi Wijanarko

At this time there are still many children in studying history especially about ancient animals or dinosaurs only see and read from the book, so that lack of interest of children to learn more about history. Because maybe for most of them it is very boring. Learning media is a tool for teaching and learning process. Everything that can be used to stimulate the mind, feeling, attention and ability or skills of learners so as to encourage the learning process. The purpose of this study is to build learning media designed by combining entertainment and user knowledge to interact with the virtual environment and see the existence of ancient animals or dinosaurs along with information to introduce ancient animals or dinosaurs with the concept of virtual reality. The concept of this application is using the visual simulation of ancient zoo, android smartphone and virtual reality specific device, then the user can interact with the virtual world and get feedback that seems real. System development using prototype model starting from planning phase, analysis, designing, coding, testing, and system maintenance. This app can display virtual objects along with explanations about ancient animals, so it becomes an interesting media learning.
KeywordsVirtual Reality, Ancient Animal, Dinosaurs, Ancient Zoo, Prototype
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Created At4 Agu 2021 09.45.27