Membangun Aplikasi E-Learning Sebagai Sarana Media Pembelajaran Online Pada Tempat Kursus Les Komputer Lpk Wahana Prestasi Berbasis Web

TitleMembangun Aplikasi E-Learning Sebagai Sarana Media Pembelajaran Online Pada Tempat Kursus Les Komputer Lpk Wahana Prestasi Berbasis Web
AuthorTriana Kristinawati

E-Learning is any form of activity learning which utilizes electronic media to learn and using internet and computer technology to help human learning process. The problem is in modern time like this there is still using in place to learn who have not to used e-learning system, including on the course lessons LPK Wahana Prestasi, provide learning materials still using conventional system, certainly less effective ad efficient. E-learning application is created by using programming language PHP and database MySQL. Research methods conducted with field observation and literature study. Field observation include observation and interview to LPK Wahana Prestasi. System development method used by author is waterfall. To describe the process activity of system using UML (unified Modelling Language). This study resulted in a web based learning application which can make it easy course participants, and improve the quality of teaching and learning on the Couse LPK Wahana Prestasi.
KeywordsE-Learning, UML, Waterfall, PHP and MySQL
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Created At4 Agu 2021 08.19.46