Pembuatan Aplikasi Peta Rute Bus Trans Semarang Berbasis Mobile GIS Menggunakan Smartphone Android

TitlePembuatan Aplikasi Peta Rute Bus Trans Semarang Berbasis Mobile GIS Menggunakan Smartphone Android
AuthorAndriyani Devayanti

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) known as Trans Semarang is one means of mass transportation that is intended to reduce congestion in the city of Semarang. Trans Semarang is established by the government on 2 May 2009 to coincide with the anniversary of Semarang city which to 462 but the availability of information on the guidelines for the use of Trans Semarang are accessible to the public is still very minimal. Still very little information available routes and shelter either manually of internet. Increased popularity of smart phones android is an interesting option to make a Trans Bus information platform Semarang. Mobile GIS based applications is one option that widely used in the manufacture of android applications. With a Global Positioning System Technology (GPS) combined with Location Based Services (LBS) through visualization on Google Map, we can get information based on the geographical location of the mobile device. This application was developed using the android SDK frameworks, programming languages Java and PHP, MySQL as database, dap Google Map, with system development method used is the waterfall method with phases include planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. Android smart phones applications that use it will not harm the community, making it easier for people to find out information BRT Trans Semarang, include Trans BRT departure schedule Semarang, nearest shelter, service and information places impassable.
KeywordsTrans Semarang, Aplication, GIS, Mobile GIS, GPS, LBS, Android
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Created At4 Agu 2021 09.33.49