Pencegahan Pencurian Pada Tas Dengan Mengunakan Arduino

TitlePencegahan Pencurian Pada Tas Dengan Mengunakan Arduino
AuthorDwi Cahya

Theft Prevention System On Handbags Using Arduino is a system that is being developed by the author to address some of the problems experienced by bag users. In developing the System of Theft Prevention On Bags by Using Arduino the author uses data collection methods consisting of interview methods, observation methods and literature methods. As for system development method used by the writer is Linear Sequential / Waterfall method where there are several stages used to build this system by utilizing android application, that is analyze system requirement, system design, system making, system test, and system maintenance. To implement the Theft Prevention System on the Bag by Using Arduino the author uses C programming language in Arduino programming, because it is easier to learn and has a more easily understood high-level language structure. While in making android application using Java programming language. It is expected that this system can help bag users in overcoming the risks especially on bag theft.
KeywordsArduino, Android, Speaker, Bag.
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Created At4 Agu 2021 10.37.09