Program Absensi Beserta Laporan Harian Siswa dan Guru Terintegritas SMS Gateway SDN Tegalarum 01 Pati

TitleProgram Absensi Beserta Laporan Harian Siswa dan Guru Terintegritas SMS Gateway SDN Tegalarum 01 Pati
AuthorMoh Abdillah Arrosyid

SDN Tegalarum 01 Pati is an elementary school that moving forward and has committed to improve the information of technology that exist in this modern era. The made of web-based student’s presence program SMS Gateway, is one of the real programs of the school. Based on the existing problems, for real example many students are absent without any reason and the occurrence of violations committed by the students without any attention from their parents, because of the problem it should take a media that can be used as a connector between the school itself, students and parents for managing absence’s information, activities and offenses that may be done by the students at school. SMS Gateway absence program was created by using PHP programming language, as well as MySQL as a database used to manage student data and attendance data. So in its application, this attendance program can be accessed online via browser by using internet network as a connection to send SMS containing information about absence and student activity report during school. The method of development that the writer use is waterfall method. With the absence program is expected to provide relevant information, so it can help improve the communication and information between teachers to the parents about the activities and development of students at school, SDN Tegalarum 01 Pati.
KeywordsStudent’s Presence Program, SMS Gateway, SDN Tegalarum 01 Pati
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Created At4 Agu 2021 08.52.23