Rancanag Bangun Media Digital Math Game Berbasis Budaya Di SMP Purnama 3 Semarang

TitleRancanag Bangun Media Digital Math Game Berbasis Budaya Di SMP Purnama 3 Semarang
AuthorKhoerul Faizin

Interactive and interactive learning media is needed in a learning process. However, there are still many teachers who have not utilized the media maximally. This makes students tend to have a low learning interest. Digital Math game based culture is a medium packed in android, in which there are math materials, examples of problems, practice questions with accompanied games and Javanese songs. Software used is Adobe CS6 and Corel Draw. System development method used is waterfall which includes analysis, design, code, test and support. Test methods used are black-box testing methods including alpha testing and beta testing. The result of this research is the formation of digital media based math game culture that can be utilized as an innovative mathematics learning media in SMP Purnama 3 Semarang.
Keywordsdigital math game, waterfall, learning media.
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Created At4 Agu 2021 09.02.01