Rancang Bangun Simulasi Palang Pintu Kereta Api Berbasis Arduino

TitleRancang Bangun Simulasi Palang Pintu Kereta Api Berbasis Arduino
AuthorLiem Reynold Andika Sanjaya

Train accident is very disturbing, both for passengers and for Kereta Api manager, the problems that arise on the railway is still a lot of cross gate trains that have not been fully guarded by the guards, negligence of the dispatcher, road users are less disciplined resulting in accidents. From the background above it was designed a doorstop train automation system, in designing this system using hardware Arduino Uno R3 ATmega328P as the main controller and supported by other modules such as mini buzzer and Servo sg90 motors. The results of the study show the microcontroller as the control that regulates all working tools in order to work systematically, such as the opening cross gate train as the train passes first and second sensors, closes as it passes through the third sensor and turns on the buzzer, which will help reduce the number of accidents occurring on the railway .
Keywordscross gate train, Arduino Uno R3 ATmega328P
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Created At4 Agu 2021 10.40.11