Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pendataan Mesin Inventori Berbasis Php Dan Mysql Pada PT. Fast Manufacturing Semarang

TitleRancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pendataan Mesin Inventori Berbasis Php Dan Mysql Pada PT. Fast Manufacturing Semarang
AuthorMega Yunita Sari

Technology is a means that continues to grow rapidly as the times progress. Technology can be utilized to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a company's work. If a company does not use the latest technology in its data presentation it will take a lot of time, energy, and the resulting data is less accurate. One example of companies that still use the manual way in the presentation of data is PT. Fast Manufacturing located at Jalan Raya Tugu KM 11.5 Semarang. So far, the data presented in the form of a report on a sheet of paper, so that if one day the department requires a data to search, they must search the data one by one and recalculate existing machine inventory. Therefore, the process looks inefficient and time consuming, resulting in fewer machine time limits. In addition, this condition also causes the work to be less tidy and inaccurate. Therefore, the authors create a system for inventory of web-based inventory machine and use waterfall development method in order to facilitate logistics department or user in inventory inventory of garment machine, so that work will become more effective and efficient.
KeywordsInformation System, PHP, MySQL, Data Collection Machine, Waterfall
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Created At4 Agu 2021 07.39.02