Sistem Guideline Farmasi

TitleSistem Guideline Farmasi
AuthorIkhsan Firmansyah

The need of pharmacy students will be journal guideline as reference material to make the unity of a drug, which should pay attention to the quality and quality of a drug in accordance with guideline on good manufacturing (GOGM) owned by POM Indonesia. These guidelines are also used by the pharmaceutical industry as a basis for developing internal rules as needed. System development method used is waterfall model. The waterfall model is to group activities in phases such as analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. While in making System Of Guideline Pharmacy is using programming language Framework Codeigniter and MySQL as database. The purpose of this research is to build a System Of Guideline Pharmacy web-based aims to help and simplify pharmaceutical vocational students in search of guideline journals as well as the pharmacist's profession in searching e-book formularies. It is as a means of more modern support by using media web technology in a way that is easier to use. System Of Pharmacy This guideline will be used as a container or place of all pharmaceutical guideline activities.
KeywordsPharmaceutical Guideline, pharmacist, Codeigniter Framework, MYSQL
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Created At4 Agu 2021 09.36.06