Sistem Informasi Akademik Pada Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Pati Mengguankan Framework CodeIgniter

TitleSistem Informasi Akademik Pada Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Pati Mengguankan Framework CodeIgniter
AuthorIsmail Marzuki

The Academic Information System is a system that built to manage the academic data so it provide the convenience to the user, such as data integration, as the center of information recorder activities of university and media communication. The Islamic University in Pati has problems in academic because it is still unwell to manage the academic Information System. It often complicates students and lecturers in the implementation of activities, such as the lecturer data processing, data of the students, schedule of lecturer management, schedule of the students, and student of value management. The development of the Academic Information System can be accessed and utilized by the public starting from lecturers, students and staff academic. The methodology of research is primary data and secondary data with data collection methods such as literature study, observation and interview on Islamic University in Pati. The System development method using a waterfall model which includes Analysis, Designing, Encoding, Testing and Maintenance. This system will be built using the CI Framework and database by using MySQL. The objective of the study is the creation of an Academic Information System system at Islamic University in Pati. The results of the study is the form of applications that can facilitate and improve the effectiveness of, both in terms of cost, energy, and time.
KeywordsInformation System, Academic, CI Framework, MySQL
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Created At4 Agu 2021 08.42.13