Sistem Informasi Data Kependudukan Desa Plangitan Pati Berbasis Web

TitleSistem Informasi Data Kependudukan Desa Plangitan Pati Berbasis Web
AuthorCandra Kurniawan

In this modern era, the rapid development of technology requires government agencies at the village level to implement a computerized data processing, so as to provide precise and accurate information. Plangitan Village is located in Pati district, Pati sub-district of Central Java province, Plangitan village is one of governance that manage, manage resources in government at village level and have obligation to organize population administration in the form of service to society. Currently, the population information system in Plangitan is still manual and not computerized, so slow in the process of adding, changing, and deleting data and other population data collection. This application is created using the programming language php and MySQL database. While the research method is done by field observation and literature study. Field observations included observations and interviews to the Plangitan urban village, while literature studies were conducted by examining the appropriate literature with the problem. System development method used by author is waterfall. And to describe the process activity of a system using UML (Unified Modeling Language). The expected result in this research is to produce a Plangitan Village Population Data Information System based on the Web is to simplify the process of addition, change, deletion of data and other population data collection.
KeywordsData Information System Population, Web, Php, MySQL, Waterfall.
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Created At3 Agu 2021 22.56.36