Sistem Informasi Geografis Lokasi Candi Di Jawa Tengah Berbasis Android

TitleSistem Informasi Geografis Lokasi Candi Di Jawa Tengah Berbasis Android
AuthorDian Susanto

The diverse tourism sector with its uniqueness and supported by the facilities and transportation facilities available in the tourist area can provide a great source of government revenue. In Central Java (Central Java) has a leading tourist attraction of the temple is located in the rural temple, not all tourists know where the location of the temple to go, therefore the author wants to provide a solution by creating a geographic information system.The method of research in making this application using data collection techniques consist of observation there are interviews with employees of the tourism office and literature study, while for data collection using two types of data that is primary and secondary, while the development system used using waterfall model. This application is made using android studio with java programming language that has been designed only running on android based operating system.The number of temples scattered in Central Java to increase the interest of tourists to travel to the temple in Central Java. Tourists are given many alternatives to choose and go to the existing temple. But not all tourists know the location of the temple to visit. The result of this final project is to produce a geographical information system program of temple location in Central Java based on android which is useful to help facilitate the user to navigate the location of temple in Central Java.
KeywordsGeographic Information System, Android, Temple.
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Created At4 Agu 2021 10.36.04