Sistem Informasi Geografis Tempat Ziarah Gua Maria Se Jawa Tengah Dan DIY Menggunakan Google Maps Javascript Api

TitleSistem Informasi Geografis Tempat Ziarah Gua Maria Se Jawa Tengah Dan DIY Menggunakan Google Maps Javascript Api
AuthorAlbertus Bayu Adi Saputra

Cave of Mary is a place to pray and a place to visit during religious trip for Catholic. Cave of Mary built for a particulary things such as religious activity to serve mother Mary. This place usually far from the downtown. The lack of information over this holy place makes pilgrims hardly to access a way to this place, The Cave of Mary that is worth to visit will be deserted and can’t be used well. The observation method that is used are interview and directly visit to some Caves of Mary to get a valid data about the obstacles of pilgrims and the location of the Cave of Mary, and a book as literature references to create this website. This system is create using programing language PHP, database MySQL and Goggle Maps Javascript API, the system development method is waterfall method with a steps that involve planning, analysis, designing, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Application based on website about the Cave of Mary in province of Central Java and DIY with system geographic concept with the main feature of list of the Cave of Mary in Central Java and DIY that is contain location, description, the worship schedule or the activity, this things facilitate user to gain information that is valid and efficient to use
KeywordsWebsite, Cave of Mary, Geographic Information System, Google Maps Javascript API and PHP
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Created At4 Agu 2021 10.25.55