Sistem Informasi Gudang dan Pemesanan Bahan Bangunan Pada CV Berkah Makmur Berbasis Android

TitleSistem Informasi Gudang dan Pemesanan Bahan Bangunan Pada CV Berkah Makmur Berbasis Android
AuthorAndreas Mahendra

The development of information technology at this time more rapidly so that the need for information fast, precise and accurate is an absolute thing. Information technology currently plays an important role in a company to assist the process of existing activities therein. CV Berkah Makmur is a business engaged in the sale of building materials. Recording and management system in CV Berkah Makmur still done manually, so that needed an information system based on android. Android application development is done to overcome the problems in CV Berkah Makmur. The design of the application built with Android studio, MySQL database using UML (Unified Modeling Language). The research method used in this data collection by observing the direct object and literature study from various sources. While the system development method used is the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method. Based on the problem, this study was built to build an application that can help the company to facilitate the recording of stocks of warehouse and marketing of building materials to be marketed through android applications.
KeywordsApplications, Android, Building Materials, MySQL.
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Created At3 Agu 2021 22.40.32