Sistem Informasi Inventory Apotek Jimbaran Menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Dan Microsoft Access 2010

TitleSistem Informasi Inventory Apotek Jimbaran Menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Dan Microsoft Access 2010
AuthorEvan Oktora Sianturi

Making the final report with the title "Inventory Information System Pharmacy Jimbaran Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft Access 2010" was held on January 10, 2017 until 10 April 2017. The purpose of this final project is to build an information system related to system-based computer, so the process is done can take place more quickly and efficiently and to minimize errors that may occur. The research method is the data collection includes literature studies, interviews (interview), direct observations (observation), data processing method includes sales data, ordering, purchasing, inventory and returns the data, methods of data analysis and preparation methodology system. The system design is based on the computer through the stages - stage System Flow Of Document, Usecase diagram, activity diagram, Database Design, Data Dictionary, Design Input - Output to produce an orderly system. The result of observation and research conducted in Jimbaran pharmacies in the form of a data processing system of drug inventory information, and other information that is effective and efficient, which is expected to produce a better information with a computerized system.
KeywordsInventory Information System Design, Supply Drugs, Pharmacist.
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Created At4 Agu 2021 10.39.14