Sistem Informasi Klinik Mulia Husada Berbasis Web Menggunakan Framework Codeigniter

TitleSistem Informasi Klinik Mulia Husada Berbasis Web Menggunakan Framework Codeigniter
AuthorAnggi Dwi Cahyani

The Mulia Husada Clinic is a Pratama Clinic located at Nogososro 22 - 24 Tlogosari Pedurungan Semarang where Clinic is still using manual system in storing patient data and medical record of patient examination result. Recording of patient data is in the ledger book, this makes the data recording process less effective and efficient.The method used in the development of clinical information system is by interview and observe directly the process of recording manually data on the Mulia Husada Clinic to get a reference in the manufacture of information systems, while the development of the system used is the RAD model (Rapid Application Development). This web-based information system is made with PHP programming language with the implementation of CodeIgniter framework and MySQL as database, and UML (Unified Modeling Language) as data modeling tool.The end result of this system produces an information system that helps the officer and facilitates the storage of information about patient data and patient medical record.
KeywordsClinic, RAD, PHP, CodeIgniter, MySQL, Web
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Created At4 Agu 2021 10.27.03