Sistem Informasi Penilaian Guru Berprestasi Di SDN Agungmulyo Juwana Pati Dengan Metode Weighted Product Berbasis PHP

TitleSistem Informasi Penilaian Guru Berprestasi Di SDN Agungmulyo Juwana Pati Dengan Metode Weighted Product Berbasis PHP
AuthorAnwar Budi Sulistiyo

Teacher assessment is an information system created to process teacher assessments data and predetermined criteria. As in the SDN Agungmulyo Juwana Pati who has not implemented the teacher's assessment system at the school, this is not the teacher's performance at the school is not maximal and the attitude of the teacher who often suture in his learning. Based on the problem, SDN Agungmulyo Juwana Pati requires a teacher assessment system by method. For calculation of decision with criteria pemprograman Php and MySql database and using method Weighted Product in processing data. This method is a method that can provide a ranking or assessment in accordance with the quality, ability, and skills of each teacher.With this Decision Support system is expected to assist decision making in determining teacher judgment so it can be a valid and useful parameter for the school to determine the next action.
KeywordsDecision Support System, Weighted Product, Website, Php, MySQL, Waterfall.
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Created At4 Agu 2021 10.41.03