Sistem Informasi Penjualan Berbasis WEB Pada Toko Skytech Semarang

TitleSistem Informasi Penjualan Berbasis WEB Pada Toko Skytech Semarang
AuthorFaizal Bagus Ramadhan

Utilization of computer technology seems to be a new basic need as one of the tools to supporting activities and provide satisfactory service for customers. CV. ABADI MITRA (SKYTECH PRINTER CENTER) is a company that was work in the sale of computer parts. In this company, process data input is still use Microsoft Office Excell, the system has a problem it is make the cashier work slowly when they’re searching for data. Its affect the sales process, because the slowly data input will affect to ptofits calculation. Based on the problem, sales information system in CV. ABADI PARTNER (SKYTECH PRINTER CENTER) will give the company benefit, because the process of accounting and data processing will be faster. Sales information system design was built using PHP and HTML with MySQL database with system development method used is watrefall model with stages include data collection, system analysis, system design, system implementation, and system testing. The result of this research is creation sales information system which are modulated and can be accessed by online from web browser, has a standart rule at a process development program, has a appearance which is simply to use by user, and also has a complete data require user.
KeywordsInformation, PHP, HTML, MySQL, waterfall
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Created At3 Agu 2021 23.29.43