Sistem Informasi Penjualan Notebook Pada Alyosha Computer Berbasis Framework

TitleSistem Informasi Penjualan Notebook Pada Alyosha Computer Berbasis Framework
AuthorAdji Sugiyanto

Alyosha Computer is a business engaged in the field of electronics, so far only doing the activity of selling goods by hand. From this note is made a report, such as sales reports and cashier reports. The resulting information helps the owner in deciding the amount of inventory to be purchased as well as the amount of stock of goods. By using a process that is still manual a lot of time and effort if we need a monthly sales report and sales records often occur that tucked or lost. Sales Information System is expected to assist Alyosha Computer in terms of recording sales transactions, monthly sales reports, cashier deposit reports, and stock items reports. This application is created using the programming language Framework and database used is MySQL. While the research method is done by field observation and literature study. Field observations included observations and interviews to Alyosha Computer, while literature studies were conducted by examining the appropriate literature with the problem. System development method used by author is waterfall. And to describe the process activity of a system using UML (Unified Modeling Language). The expected result in this research is to produce Framework-Based Sales Information System to facilitate transaction recording, inventory and monthly sales report and facilitate the owner in determining the goods with the highest level.
KeywordsSales Information System, Web, E-Commerce, Framework, MySQL, Waterfall
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Created At3 Agu 2021 22.33.09