Sistem Informasi Presensi Peserta Didik Pada Smk Kristen Terang Bangsa Semarang Berbasis WEB

TitleSistem Informasi Presensi Peserta Didik Pada Smk Kristen Terang Bangsa Semarang Berbasis WEB
AuthorVilio Rossy

SMK Kristen Terang Bangsa Semarang admit how important for using information and communication technology to support learning activity. One way to applicate it is build information system to manage presence datas of student. However, the things that be constraint are information system don't have menu to classificate presence data by classname, to monitoring number of overdue or alpha presence and to make presence's report for each class periodicly. Therefore, system have to develop so that use more effective, efficient and maximum. Information sytem build by AJAX technique, PHP programming language and MySql database. Research method by observation and interview to Assistant Principal for Student Affairs. Study of literature by research literatures that suitable with the case. Waterfall used for development method. UML (Unified Modelling Language)for describe and explain activities and system process.Result of this research is Web Base Student Presence Information System at SMK Kristen Terang Bangsa Semarang that can classificate presence data by classname, monitoring number of overdue or alpha presence and to print presence's report for each class periodicly.
KeywordsStudent Presence Information System, Web, AJAX, PHP, MySql, Waterfall.
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Created At4 Agu 2021 08.20.54