Sistem Informasi Stok Darah Berbasis Web Pada RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang

TitleSistem Informasi Stok Darah Berbasis Web Pada RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang
AuthorNunung Romdoni

Blood Bank is one of the hospital service facilities in Dr. Kariadi Semarang under the auspices of a laboratory installation. Problems at Blood Bank RSUP Dr. Kariadi is currently a blood stock processing system still using a manual system that all transactions process is written on paper or ledgers. For example, manually calculated stock calculations each time you want to see stock counts, data collection of incoming and outgoing or distributed blood is manually recorded. This resulted in the process of stock data processing is slow and there is no real time information about blood stock info which must be done order process to PMI. To facilitate the processing of blood stocks in Blood Bank RSUP Dr. Kariadi required a new system that is able to record the process of blood stock movement in real time and able to provide stock limit information so as to facilitate the Blood Bank admin in managing the existing blood stock.This research method uses data collection research method, field survey research and literature study. Field surveys include observation, interviews, and documentation. System development method used is Waterfall with Web-based programming language that is PHP and using MySQL database.The purpose of this final task is to build a web-based blood stock information system to facilitate the processing of blood stock data at Blood Bank RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang.
KeywordsInformation system, Stock, Web, PHP, Mysql, Waterfall.
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Created At4 Agu 2021 07.45.31