Sistem Pendataan Bengkel dan BRI LINK pada Bengkel Kendali Motor Berbasis Web

TitleSistem Pendataan Bengkel dan BRI LINK pada Bengkel Kendali Motor Berbasis Web
AuthorMerqinko Alviandu

Along with today's technological advances, many companies have utilized the advancement of information technology to improve the effectiveness of performance in these companies. Kendali Motor Bike Shop is one of the service and trading companies engaged in providing motorcycle services and small transaction services of BRI banks that still have problems in processing data collection and transactions.In making this WEB-based applications the authors perform data collection through observations and interviews with the Kendali Motor Bike Shop. As for the method of system development, the authors use waterfall methods and the manufacture of WEB-based applications using PHP programming language with MySQL database.The end result of the development of this system in the form of an application of data storage goods and transactions in the form of databases WEB-based that can help the process of data collection of goods in computerized effectively and efficiently.
KeywordsData Recording, PHP, MySQL, Waterfall
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Created At4 Agu 2021 07.40.46