Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Guru Terbaik Di SD N 01 Kuwaron Menggunakan Metode TOPSIS Berbasis WEB

TitleSistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Guru Terbaik Di SD N 01 Kuwaron Menggunakan Metode TOPSIS Berbasis WEB
AuthorYovi Eka Ariyanto

Teacher is an educator as a noble and meritorious person because they are responsible for educating the nation's children and giving birth to intelligent generations, capable of carrying out the tasks of self, family and country, therefore the teacher is very deserving of high appreciation. One of them is by choosing the best teachers for the dedicated. Based on current problems, in this study the authors want to build a decision support system that has the best teacher selection analysis by using Topsis method. The method used in the development of this system is watterfall model. System Design Analysis using Unified Modeling Language (UML).To build this application using PHP programming language and MySQL database. From the results of the study found that the provision of criteria in the selection of the best teachers can make it easier in making decisions to determine the best teachers. By applying the topsis method the best teacher assessment process becomes practical and efficient.
Keywordsdecision support system, topsis, best teacher selection
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Created At4 Agu 2021 09.10.46