Sistem Penggajian Karyawan Berbasis Desktop Pada CV. Gudang Grosir Rembang

TitleSistem Penggajian Karyawan Berbasis Desktop Pada CV. Gudang Grosir Rembang

CV. Gudang Grosir is a distributor that stood since 2010, since the distributor stand is still using the payroll processing manual through microsoft excel. This poses a problem where the user that personnel should work longer because the user must process and calculate the payroll data manually. Yet the growing company requires everything to be done quickly and well integrated. In this study, the authors want to create a desktop -based payroll system. System development method uses prototype and tool in analyzing system design using Unified Modeling Languange (UML) to build this application using Visual Basic 2010 and SQL Server programming as database. The results of this study will produce a payroll system that helps and facilitate personnel CV. Wholesale Warehouse in improving the effectiveness of payroll processing.
Keywordssystem, payroll, desktop, wholesale
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Created At3 Agu 2021 22.26.37