Sistem Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Taruna Pada Politeknik lmu Pelayaran Semarang Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting

TitleSistem Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Taruna Pada Politeknik lmu Pelayaran Semarang Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting
AuthorMarviana Dwi Lestari

Prospective students-admission events at a College is the annual agenda which regularly carried out for entries i.e. students as learning objects. The qualified candidate will certainly affect the success rate of the College. Therefore, the need for a rigorous selection in receipt of a candidate. The activities required to support a system that is fast, accurate, and efficient. The author of the research on the system of acceptance of prospective cadets (Sipencatar) at the Polytechnic University of Science voyage (PIP). On the Sipencatar has been running, the process of data input, done twice by would-be cadets or officers. In addition to less efficient, it is unsure whether the error can occur at the time of data input, so that data mismatch occurs. In addition it is possible to duplicate the data occurs so that the data selection result becomes less accurate and can be detrimental to candidate midshipman. The existence of a decision support system, is expected to help candidate selection was in Semarang PIP midshipman. A method of Simple Additive Weighting is considered appropriate as it will search for weighted sum then do perangkingan to get the best alternative. The system will be created using the programming language PHP and the MySql database to store data. The system will display a list of prospective cadets, criteria, and report the results of the selection a midshipman who passes and fails.
KeywordsDecision Support System, Simple Additive Weighting, PHP, MySQL
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Created At4 Agu 2021 08.57.48