System Information, Data Collection, Web-based

TitleSystem Information, Data Collection, Web-based
AuthorSlamet Riyadi
AbstractInventory Information System of SMK Walisongo Semarang in the use of storing goods data still uses excel and
to input the goods it still uses an inefficient way, often the Admin who manages the Inventory, the goods that have
been inputted are already out/returned or not. The process of recording incoming and outgoing goods is still done
manually where each activity is stored in excel. Therefore, the Inventory storage system is still in the form of
archiving in excel so that there is often a buildup of archives and a lot of scattered or lost data or notes or receipts
for buying used goods that are lost and writings and payment figures are lost or blurry. Therefore, with the large
number of goods entering and leaving the Walisongo Vocational School in Semarang, it is also necessary to
arrange Inventory so that there are no errors in the arrangement of the number and price of goods. By applying the
FIFO (First In First Out) method to the system that will be made, the management of incoming and outgoing
goods can be neater and the determination of the purchase price of goods will be easier. From the existing
problems, it is necessary to have a system to manage the management and distribution of these goods to increase
effectiveness in the management in order to minimize the risks that can occur.
KeywordsAdmin, employee, price, information system.
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Created At10 Des 2022 21.20.46