Web Based Training Management System At Semarang Vocational Training And Productivity Center


  • ageng yuningtyas universitas semarang Penulis
  • Agusta Praba Ristadi Pinem Penulis


System Information, system Management


Technology and its derivative products such as computers and the internet are increasingly developing, not becoming a strange thing anymore indicating that technology is increasingly becoming a part and even a necessity for various levels of society. An example is the use of smart phones or smartphones as a tool for communicating in daily activities or using computers to do various things such as doing assignments or accessing the internet. Only relying on documents from Microsoft Word and Excel to manage training activities is an activity that is considered not very effective and efficient in the work scheme at BBPVP. Governance and an appropriate training management system are a good way out to solve this problem. Therefore, the author proposes the title "WEB-BASED TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT THE SEMARANG VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND PRODUCTIVITY CENTER". The method used by the author is waterfall and the results of this study are a web-based training management system.


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Information System

How to Cite

Web Based Training Management System At Semarang Vocational Training And Productivity Center. (2024). Trans IT : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi , 12(11), 1-8. https://transit.ftik.usm.ac.id/index.php/transit/article/view/123