Designing a Chatbot for Practical Work and Final Project Information of Informatics Engineering University of Semarang with Telegram-based Azure Cognitive Service


  • Catur Heri Prayitno Universitas Semarang Penulis
  • Khoirudin Khoirudin Universitas Semarang Penulis


Chatbot, Telegram, Azure Cognitive Service


This research aims to address the problem of lack of accessibility and efficiency in obtaining information related to Kerja Praktek and Final Project in the Informatics Engineering Study Programme of Semarang University. To achieve this goal, this research adopts a design approach that includes the development of a chatbot by utilising Azure Cognitive Services, integration with the Telegram platform, and implementation of functionality to search and interact with related information. The methodology applied using waterfall includes requirements analysis, system design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. From the analyses conducted, the main findings show that the developed chatbot is able to provide fast and accurate responses to requests for information on Internship and Final Project. As a result, this chatbot can improve information accessibility for students as well as efficiency in the information search process, better fulfilling students' information needs. The System Usability Scale (SUS) test results show an average score of 82.75 with grade A, which indicates that the chatbot has a very good level of usability and is well received by users.


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Information Technology

How to Cite

Designing a Chatbot for Practical Work and Final Project Information of Informatics Engineering University of Semarang with Telegram-based Azure Cognitive Service. (2024). Trans IT : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi , 12(07), 83-88.